Create a logo for esport team or esport association - Digital services in Postlistd 500+ categories. world works together Postlistd connects businesses with freelancers offering Freelancer profile

Create a logo for esport team or esport association

Who am I ?

Graphic Designer for more than ten years, I recently landed on Fiverr and so you get 50% on my actual products ! My name is Spirito, I’m French and I’m almost 31 years old. Idea is to put my talent and my experience at your disposal in order to breathe new life into your project !

Why choose me ?

A communicative good mood

Regular discussions on the progress

An original style and a 100% investment in every project, not just a drive-in !

Rich portfolio, with notable business in France as : EDF, Pôle Emploi, City of Paris, Adecco, aAa, Skilleo, MTB, Millenium, ESIX, Vivendo and many others !
