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EMR/ EHR integration services

EHR Integration services

EMR (Electronic Medical Record) and EHR (Electronic Health Record) integration services refer to the processes and technologies used to connect and synchronize patient health information across different healthcare software systems. These services enable the sharing of medical data between EMRs, EHRs, and other health information systems to ensure that healthcare providers have access to complete and up-to-date patient records, regardless of where the care was provided or which system was used to document it.

Here’s a breakdown of the terms and how they relate to integration services:

– EMR (Electronic Medical Record): This is a digital version of the paper charts in a clinician’s office. It contains the medical and treatment history of patients within one practice. EMRs are known for being more limited in their scope and are typically not designed to be shared outside the individual practice.

– EHR (Electronic Health Record): EHRs are more extensive than EMRs and are designed to be accessed by all parties involved in a patient’s care, including the patient. EHRs contain patient data from multiple clinicians and provide a more comprehensive view of a patient’s health history.
