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Software maintenance and support services

Software support and maintenance services

Software maintenance and support services involve the activities required to keep software systems running smoothly and efficiently after they have been deployed. These services are critical to ensure that the software continues to meet the needs of its users and the organization over time, and they encompass a range of tasks from fixing bugs to adding new features.

The main categories of software maintenance and support services include:

1. Corrective Maintenance: This involves identifying and fixing errors or bugs in the software that were not discovered during the initial development stages. It ensures the software operates as intended.

2. Adaptive Maintenance: This type of maintenance is concerned with keeping the software up to date with changing technical environments, such as upgrading operating systems, hardware, or interfacing with new software.

3. Perfective Maintenance: This includes enhancements to the software, such as adding new features, improving performance, or making the software more user-friendly based on user feedback and new requirements.
